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see what we get up to in class on a daily basis!

Fun with Familias

Fun with Familias

Learning about characters that live in the magical treehouse.

Who wants 'helado'?

Who wants 'helado'?

The fruit family go for some ice cream and are served by some jungle animals. This is a great way to combine topics.

Practicing our 'parque' vocabulary

Practicing our 'parque' vocabulary

The fruit family go to the park.

Pili went to the 'supermercado'

Pili went to the 'supermercado'

The little pineapple girl goes shopping. What's in her trolly?

Role Play in the Supermarket

Role Play in the Supermarket

Some of our older children playing shops in Spanish.

Bingo Fun

Bingo Fun

'Introduce Yourself' Bingo. Practicing how to ask and answer basic Spanish questions: name, age, nationality, family, likes and dislike.

Guess the 'Verdura'

Guess the 'Verdura'

One child picks a vegetable and draws it on the board, the others have to guess what it is.

Fun Easter Lesson

Fun Easter Lesson

Using the fruit family and other props to teach the Easter vocabulary.

Maria likes...

Maria likes...

Practicings our likes and dislikes in Spanish.

Christmas Rewards

Christmas Rewards

Celebrating a fun term by getting end of term certificates.

Colouring in time

Colouring in time

Ten minutes at the end of the lesson to listen to songs whilst colouring in.

End of term Christmas Party

End of term Christmas Party

Tortilla, churros con chocolate y un Roscón de Reyes.

End of Term

End of Term

Proud as punch at the end of term.

Christmas Topic

Christmas Topic

Props, songs, stories and games.

Let's make a 'Bocadillo'

Let's make a 'Bocadillo'

They will never tire of making this big sandwich.

Colouring in the Fruit Family

Colouring in the Fruit Family

We make and use all our own worksheets in class.

Farm Animals and the City

Farm Animals and the City

Oh no! The farm animals have escaped into the city.

Practicing our emotions

Practicing our emotions

This is such a fun way to teach feelings in the classroom.

Posters on Famous People

Posters on Famous People

We had to pick someone we admired and do a little bit of research on them. Here is an example of one of the posters!

Emotion Plates

Emotion Plates

We had so much fun designing our own 'emoji' plates! They look fantastic. great work niños.

Fun rewards!

Fun rewards!

Lots of positive praise is given in every class! We use stickers, certificates, toy medals and at the end of each term children get prizes.

Dress Up Fun with Clara el Conejo

Dress Up Fun with Clara el Conejo

Dressing Clara the bunny makes our clothes topic a lot of fun! Some of the clothes are too small and others are too big - children find this hilarious! We also relate this activity to the seasons and weather topic. Lots of hidden learning going on!

Introduction to Spanish Culture

Introduction to Spanish Culture

We have lots of fun Spanish props. Children get a chance to play with the castanets, play with the fans and even try on the flamenco dress and jewellery.

España Project

España Project

Older children made posters about Spain and all things Spanish. Some fab work was produced by each group.

End Of Term Fun!

End Of Term Fun!

At the end of term children have a party and receive an end of term certificate for all their hard work.

Spanish Grammar Booklet

Spanish Grammar Booklet

Making learning Spanish grammar fun and colourful. The little booklets looked fantastic after a lot of hard work.

Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun

We had a Halloween themed class where children learned some spooky new vocabulary.

Seasons and Weather Art Project

Seasons and Weather Art Project

Using different art and crafts materials we made seasons and weather umbrellas. Muy bien hecho niños.

Día De Los Muertos

Día De Los Muertos

Some of our older children are doing a project on Mexico. It coincided with the famous Mexican Festival 'Día De Los Muertos' where Mexicans celebrate the lives of deceased friends and relatives.

Fun Games!

Fun Games!

A couple of very popular games that are used with some of the older children. Brainbox Spanish is a perfect game for extending our knowledge of vocabulary. 'Quién es', Guess who? in Spanish is a fantastic game used to encourage children to enhance their oral skills and vocabulary related to descriptions.

Frog Story and Song

Frog Story and Song

The frog family go to sleep on a flower and jump in to the water one by one. We learn this through a fun song. To make it more exciting there are some dangerous animals in the pond and the children have to magnetically fish them out!

Bi-lingual Books

Bi-lingual Books

I have an extensive selection of Spanish/English story books, Spanish workbooks and Spanish fairytale books!

Los Patitos

Los Patitos

The 'patitos' are a fantastic way to cover the family, colours, counting and farm topics. Children love it! There is a naughty patito (duckling) amongst them and children have to find her.

El Tiburón Tiene Hambre

El Tiburón Tiene Hambre

Our favourite toy shark helps us to practice our likes and dislikes with foods and drinks.

Art Activity 'Cómo soy yo'

Art Activity 'Cómo soy yo'

Here is one of the posters made by one of the older children from our 'All About Me' project.

Fun learning 'Colores'

Fun learning 'Colores'

Consolidating colours. Children pick from our surprise bag and place the props on the right coloured square. There is a lot of chance for repetition with this fun activity.

Spanish Festivals Project

Spanish Festivals Project

One of our group projects where children were learning about some Spanish Festivals.

My Favourite Things

My Favourite Things

Making booklets of our favourite things. When children finished they interviewed each other. It was a great way to practice reading and oral skills.

Big Números!

Big Números!

Playing 'Dardos' and practicing some bigger numbers in Spanish.

Role-Play 'En el Restaurante'

Role-Play 'En el Restaurante'

Role play fun 'En el restaurante'. Using lots of food props and posters children act out scenarios within a restaurant.

End of Term Fiesta

End of Term Fiesta

End of term party. The children had a great time trying some traditional Spanish omelette 'Tortilla Española' and some 'Churros y Chocolate'.

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